Monday, February 24, 2020

Breed Club Awards

Joker wins the Thelma Morgan Award

Amazing expression

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Gala day coming up, or as it is now called The Breed Club Awards
Exciting time on the Lhasa Apso calendar
Looking forward to meeting everyone again after a long break
We don't know who the judge will be, but it will be a good day no matter what.
Beautiful crystal to be won, so good luck everyone 
See you there

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Joker's Legacy

The Top Dog Awards have been announced and Joker's influence is in all of them.

    TOP  DOG (3rd year running)
TOP BREEDER (for Nadja Rudenka)
TOP BROOD (for Sarah Hattrell's bitch mated to Joker
TOP PUPPY (for his grandson)

This amazing dog just keeps giving and giving.
There are more puppies in the pipeline and I wish their breeders and owners well in the future.