Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kelso Critique

Here are the wonderful critiques for Joker for Blackpool and Kelso
Thanks go to both judges, David Mathias and Jackie Kitchener for their super report on this very special dog

Blackpool: Cain's Sandauri Showstopper for Kutani (Imp Rus). well, well, well! At 18 months what a prospect when older. Liked his head and expression, good fallaway to skull, neck into topline firm, as was loin. Correct depth of body, tailset and rear excel. On the move I loved his carriage and size, not overdone. CC and BOB

Kelso: Cain's Sandauri Showstopper For Kutani (Imp Rus).   Top class dog, caught my eye on the first go round with his typical gait and wonderful showmanship, stacked up presents the ideal balanced outline and on the table does not disappoint in the detail.  Is a lovely size and has quality in bucketloads, a masculine head of good proportions, fall away and skull; melting dark eyes, good width  to his jaw and a superb mouth, not surprising then that his expression is so typical.  Lovely front assembly with good return in upper arm and straight forelegs which place his elbows neatly alongside his ribcage, so many fail here.  Beautifully bodied with a nicely arched neck, muscular strong loin and  perfect tail and hindquarters.   Shown in first class coat , not at all surprised to see him feature in top Group placings. CC, BOB & Group 2

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Super day at the fabulous Windsor Championship Show
Joker taking BOB under judge David Roberts and a very happy Mandy O'Doherty winning her 2nd CC with the lovely Lacy

Joker strutting his stuff