One of Storm's gorgeous puppies, born 13th Oct.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Northern Lhasa Apso Club Championship Show
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The babies are here!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
* * * * *
Cossy's Chip n Pin gains his third CC at Darlington
Thank you to Janet Brown. It was Janet who gave
Trader his first ever CC.
The icing on the cake,
Chethang Laurencia at Jastin
Bitch CC at Darlington.
Another Trader champion in the making!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Exciting News !!!
Our Finnish girl, Chic Choix Kutani Charisma (Karis)
gained her first CC at East of England today. She was bred in Finland by Juha Kares.
Her kennel mate Kutani Shabby Chic (Tulullah)
was awarded the Res CC on the same day!!
Karis is a Reckless daughter and Tulla is
out of Trader's litter sister, Sunkissed.
Keeping it in the family.
A huge thank you to my friend and partner Jill Lock (not forgetting Dave).
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
His breeding is interesting being by James (Kutani Secret Agent) out of an Australian champion bitch whose breeding goes back to Australian Ch Kutani The Legacy,
a Ch Saxonsprings Frederico son I sent to Oz many years ago.
What goes around, comes around !
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Welcome to Kutani!
Welcome to the world of Kutani!
Since coming in to the world of Lhasas I have made friends all over the world and seen my dogs go on to great things all around the globe.
So I have started this blog to reach everyone. To show you my dogs and to tell you about my history of showing and breeding.
I bred my first litter in 1987 after sucessfully showing Eng Ch Parlu Red Baron to his title, bred by Philippa Luiz.
In this litter was Kutani New Yorker who was sold to Australia after gaining 2CC's in England. He went on to become an Australian Champion.
In 1988 came the litter that changed my life.
I mated Parlu Just Jessica to Norweigan CH Tanac's Golden Glower at Saxonsprings who produced Eng Ch Kutani Cincinnatti who won 18CCs, including Best In Show at the Scottish Kennel Club All Breeds Championship show in 1992 under judge Rainier Vournien.
Not able to have puppies herself, her litter sister Kutani Tellahassee, was the basis for all future litters.
Her daughter Kutani Mississippi (gold/white parti)produced Ch/Aust Ch/ Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch/Ir Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier, both gold/white parti's, in consecutive litters from different sires.
Ch Parlu Red Baron mated to Parlu Just Jessica produced the lovley cream male Eng Ch Kutani Rainmaker, owned and handled by Carol Hill. Also from this litter there were 2 Swedish champions and an Australian Grand Champion.
The next champion Kutani Soldier Soldier won 16CCs and many group placings including Group 1 at LKA 1999. A stunning gold and white male he certainly passed on his style and arrogance to his progeny!
His daughter is the truly stunning Ch Kiss Kiss Kutani (gold/white parti) she is a combination of Ch Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier.
In 2000 came the most exciting gold dog I had ever bred, Reckless (JK), or to give him his full titles UKCh/Am Ch/Dk Ch/Finn Ch/Sw Ch/Norw Ch/Est Ch Kutani Reckless.
Not shown until a junior, he took Res CC at his first champ show. He ended his UK career with Res BIS at Peterborough All Breeds Championship Show under Valerie Foss.
Juha Karis, visiting from Finland, fell in love with JK's style and showmanship, so JK went to stay with Juha and has produced the most amazing dogs for him, including the all time multi titled dog Chic Choix Sky's The Limit.
Coming up to date JK produced the litter mates Kutani Sunkissed (Storm) and the beautiful gold/white parti dog, Ch Kutani Rogue Trader. Trader was my soul mate, dying far too young last year, robbing the breed of a significant sire. His progeny will tell his story.
Kutani Secret Agent (James), a Trader son, now flies the flag for Kutani in the UK.
Kutani has flourished producing Champions all over the World including an Australian Grand Champion.
Since coming in to the world of Lhasas I have made friends all over the world and seen my dogs go on to great things all around the globe.
So I have started this blog to reach everyone. To show you my dogs and to tell you about my history of showing and breeding.
I bred my first litter in 1987 after sucessfully showing Eng Ch Parlu Red Baron to his title, bred by Philippa Luiz.
In this litter was Kutani New Yorker who was sold to Australia after gaining 2CC's in England. He went on to become an Australian Champion.
In 1988 came the litter that changed my life.
I mated Parlu Just Jessica to Norweigan CH Tanac's Golden Glower at Saxonsprings who produced Eng Ch Kutani Cincinnatti who won 18CCs, including Best In Show at the Scottish Kennel Club All Breeds Championship show in 1992 under judge Rainier Vournien.
Not able to have puppies herself, her litter sister Kutani Tellahassee, was the basis for all future litters.
Her daughter Kutani Mississippi (gold/white parti)produced Ch/Aust Ch/ Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch/Ir Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier, both gold/white parti's, in consecutive litters from different sires.
Ch Parlu Red Baron mated to Parlu Just Jessica produced the lovley cream male Eng Ch Kutani Rainmaker, owned and handled by Carol Hill. Also from this litter there were 2 Swedish champions and an Australian Grand Champion.
The next champion Kutani Soldier Soldier won 16CCs and many group placings including Group 1 at LKA 1999. A stunning gold and white male he certainly passed on his style and arrogance to his progeny!
His daughter is the truly stunning Ch Kiss Kiss Kutani (gold/white parti) she is a combination of Ch Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier.
In 2000 came the most exciting gold dog I had ever bred, Reckless (JK), or to give him his full titles UKCh/Am Ch/Dk Ch/Finn Ch/Sw Ch/Norw Ch/Est Ch Kutani Reckless.
Not shown until a junior, he took Res CC at his first champ show. He ended his UK career with Res BIS at Peterborough All Breeds Championship Show under Valerie Foss.
Juha Karis, visiting from Finland, fell in love with JK's style and showmanship, so JK went to stay with Juha and has produced the most amazing dogs for him, including the all time multi titled dog Chic Choix Sky's The Limit.
Coming up to date JK produced the litter mates Kutani Sunkissed (Storm) and the beautiful gold/white parti dog, Ch Kutani Rogue Trader. Trader was my soul mate, dying far too young last year, robbing the breed of a significant sire. His progeny will tell his story.
Kutani Secret Agent (James), a Trader son, now flies the flag for Kutani in the UK.
Kutani has flourished producing Champions all over the World including an Australian Grand Champion.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Welcome to Kutani!
Welcome to the world of Kutani!
Since coming in to the world of Lhasas I have made friends all over the world and seen my dogs go on to great things all around the globe.
So I have started this blog to reach everyone. To show you my dogs and to tell you about my history of showing and breeding.
I bred my first litter in 1987 after sucessfully showing Eng Ch Parlu Red Baron to his title, bred by Philippa Luiz.
In this litter was Kutani New Yorker who was sold to Australia after gaining 2CC's in England. He went on to become an Australian Champion.
In 1988 came the litter that changed my life.
I mated Parlu Just Jessica to Norweigan CH Tanac's Golden Glower at Saxonsprings who produced Eng Ch Kutani Cincinnatti who won 18CCs, including Best In Show at the Scottish Kennel Club All Breeds Championship show in 1992 under judge Rainier Vournien.
Not able to have puppies herself, her litter sister Kutani Tellahassee, was the basis for all future litters.
Her daughter Kutani Mississippi (gold/white parti)produced Ch/Aust Ch/ Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch/Ir Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier, both gold/white parti's, in consecutive litters from different sires.
Ch Parlu Red Baron mated to Parlu Just Jessica produced the lovley cream male Eng Ch Kutani Rainmaker, owned and handled by Carol Hill. Also from this litter there were 2 Swedish champions and an Australian Grand Champion.
The next champion Kutani Soldier Soldier won 16CCs and many group placings including Group 1 at LKA 1999. A stunning gold and white male he certainly passed on his style and arrogance to his progeny!
His daughter is the truly stunning Ch Kiss Kiss Kutani (gold/white parti) she is a combination of Ch Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier.
In 2000 came the most exciting gold dog I had ever bred, Reckless (JK), or to give him his full titles UKCh/Am Ch/Dk Ch/Finn Ch/Sw Ch/Norw Ch/Est Ch Kutani Reckless.
Not shown until a junior, he took Res CC at his first champ show. He ended his UK career with Res BIS at Peterborough All Breeds Championship Show under Valerie Foss.
Juha Karis, visiting from Finland, fell in love with JK's style and showmanship, so JK went to stay with Juha and has produced the most amazing dogs for him, including the all time multi titled dog Chic Choix Sky's The Limit.
Coming up to date JK produced the litter mates Kutani Sunkissed (Storm) and the beautiful gold/white parti dog, Ch Kutani Rogue Trader. Trader was my soul mate, dying far too young last year, robbing the breed of a significant sire. His progeny will tell his story.
Kutani Secret Agent (James), a Trader son, now flies the flag for
Kutani in the UK.
Update: 20/10/2012
Secret Agent is now a UK and Australian Champion.
New kid on the block is Kutani Lightning Strike who now also carries his title.
Just for a change there is Tantra's Plenty O'Toole Isa Kutani (Deita), she is a James daughter and is black, new colour for us, but she was just too irresistable not to have here. She now wears her well deserved crown at the tender age of 19 months.
Kutani has flourished producing Champions all over the World including an Australian Grand Champion.
Updated 07/10/13
A year has gone by since my last update, and what a year it has been.
Lightning Strike (Noah) became Top Lhasa for 2012
Deita became Top Lhasa Bitch (only beaten by her kennel mate)
Noah is now residing in Norway
Deita produced her first offspring, Kutani Carbon Copy, the future waits for him.
I flew to Geneva to the European Dog Show and fell in love with an outstanding black bitch. Her name Multi Ch Whisborne Tia Maria. I brought her home with me, thank you Olga for your trust.
She has attended her first show here in the UK and what a start, she took BIS at the LAC champ show under breed specialist Gill Holland (Vaderlands)
Watch this space for more ...........
Since coming in to the world of Lhasas I have made friends all over the world and seen my dogs go on to great things all around the globe.
So I have started this blog to reach everyone. To show you my dogs and to tell you about my history of showing and breeding.
I bred my first litter in 1987 after sucessfully showing Eng Ch Parlu Red Baron to his title, bred by Philippa Luiz.
In this litter was Kutani New Yorker who was sold to Australia after gaining 2CC's in England. He went on to become an Australian Champion.
In 1988 came the litter that changed my life.
I mated Parlu Just Jessica to Norweigan CH Tanac's Golden Glower at Saxonsprings who produced Eng Ch Kutani Cincinnatti who won 18CCs, including Best In Show at the Scottish Kennel Club All Breeds Championship show in 1992 under judge Rainier Vournien.
Not able to have puppies herself, her litter sister Kutani Tellahassee, was the basis for all future litters.
Her daughter Kutani Mississippi (gold/white parti)produced Ch/Aust Ch/ Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch/Ir Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier, both gold/white parti's, in consecutive litters from different sires.
Ch Parlu Red Baron mated to Parlu Just Jessica produced the lovley cream male Eng Ch Kutani Rainmaker, owned and handled by Carol Hill. Also from this litter there were 2 Swedish champions and an Australian Grand Champion.
The next champion Kutani Soldier Soldier won 16CCs and many group placings including Group 1 at LKA 1999. A stunning gold and white male he certainly passed on his style and arrogance to his progeny!
His daughter is the truly stunning Ch Kiss Kiss Kutani (gold/white parti) she is a combination of Ch Kutani Dare to Dream and Ch Kutani Soldier Soldier.
In 2000 came the most exciting gold dog I had ever bred, Reckless (JK), or to give him his full titles UKCh/Am Ch/Dk Ch/Finn Ch/Sw Ch/Norw Ch/Est Ch Kutani Reckless.
Not shown until a junior, he took Res CC at his first champ show. He ended his UK career with Res BIS at Peterborough All Breeds Championship Show under Valerie Foss.
Juha Karis, visiting from Finland, fell in love with JK's style and showmanship, so JK went to stay with Juha and has produced the most amazing dogs for him, including the all time multi titled dog Chic Choix Sky's The Limit.
Coming up to date JK produced the litter mates Kutani Sunkissed (Storm) and the beautiful gold/white parti dog, Ch Kutani Rogue Trader. Trader was my soul mate, dying far too young last year, robbing the breed of a significant sire. His progeny will tell his story.
Kutani Secret Agent (James), a Trader son, now flies the flag for
Kutani in the UK.
Update: 20/10/2012
Secret Agent is now a UK and Australian Champion.
New kid on the block is Kutani Lightning Strike who now also carries his title.
Just for a change there is Tantra's Plenty O'Toole Isa Kutani (Deita), she is a James daughter and is black, new colour for us, but she was just too irresistable not to have here. She now wears her well deserved crown at the tender age of 19 months.
Kutani has flourished producing Champions all over the World including an Australian Grand Champion.
Updated 07/10/13
A year has gone by since my last update, and what a year it has been.
Lightning Strike (Noah) became Top Lhasa for 2012
Deita became Top Lhasa Bitch (only beaten by her kennel mate)
Noah is now residing in Norway
Deita produced her first offspring, Kutani Carbon Copy, the future waits for him.
I flew to Geneva to the European Dog Show and fell in love with an outstanding black bitch. Her name Multi Ch Whisborne Tia Maria. I brought her home with me, thank you Olga for your trust.
She has attended her first show here in the UK and what a start, she took BIS at the LAC champ show under breed specialist Gill Holland (Vaderlands)
Watch this space for more ...........
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